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Thursday, November 25, 2010

they creative^^

this is such a creative way
to do when you are ordering something...
if like this aa we will not hear that boring way to order
something...i wish i can do this hahahhahaha

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

cutie little things........argh........

this is so cute....
my friend made it as her hobby and now 
she doing business with it...
i publish this pict into my blog without her permission.....
(heheh sorry dayah ni sgt kiut ba)
i cant stand CUTE~
here i actually want to help her to promote this cutie little thing because she selling it...
anyone can give her a email if u want to order this item...
here is her email...

 or just visit her blog 
for more info...hehehe
***dayah sy cuma berniat utk bantu ko punya bisnes yg kiut ni aa jan marah...

Happy For No Reason

i am happy for no reason
because to be happy 
sometime we dont need any reason for it...
i just feel glad and be grateful
for the mother nature that God give to us...
because from the mother nature 
GOD show his love to us...
He give us The Sun The Rain The Light & The Darkness

happy and Love with the Sun for it warm us,
happy and Love with the Rain for it clean our spirit,
happy and Love with the Light for it show us the way,
and happy and Love with the Darkness for it show us the stars.

~that why sometime we don't need any reason to be happy~

Thursday, November 4, 2010

i FinnaLy made it!!

The Official Convocation...

finally after 3 years of struggling studying at UNIMAS Sarawak,
i received my certificated to prove that i am now a
Bachelor Degree of Applied Art With Honours 

hehehe so happy with it...
~Thank You GOD~
million trillion thank to my "mama"
because without her, i will never ever experience this moment..
i dedicated this certificate to her...
and also to all of my lecturer who were never give up on me
even though i am at my point to give in already
tq tq tq tq tq tq
FRIENDSsss~ i will never forget all of their contribution and kindness
guide and support too..

hum but after this i have to face new thing 
which maybe there will be no guide no support and even no kindness
but i believe that from the experience of this all it will make me 
stronger to get a better life...
so here the secret of what i have to do is just 
"think POSSITIVE then you will receive POSITIVE"